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L'Étalage Marché Gourmand

Nous avons fait une découverte en nous rendant à Mont-Tremblant. À une dizaine de minutes des Petits Chalets se cache un petit trésor qui vaut le détour.

Both a delicatessen, a gift shop, an SAQ agency and a café, L'Étalage is a gourmet market where you can find products from here and elsewhere of a quality and variety that makes you want to return.

Whether it's to discover regional specialties or microbrewery alcohols and beers or simply find a piece of meat to grill on your BBQ, L'Étalage will certainly have everything you need on these shelves.

More information and information by contacting L'Étalage Marché Gourmand directly

L'Étalage Marché Gourmand

2112 Chemin du Lac Supérieur

Lac Supérieur

(819) 688 5333

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